The third Transnational Project Meeting in “Game Based Learning For Development Of Problem Solving Skills”,
6-10 June 2022 r., Konya, Turkey
In the beginning of June 2022 in Konya (Turkiye) there was a meeting of partners of „Game Based Learning For Development Of Problem Solving Skills” project. – Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership School Education. Representatives of every project partner organisation took part in the event: coordinating institution – Zespół Szkół Ponadpodstawowych in Chojna, Douzelage Association in Chojnie, partners from Selcuklu Mahmut Sami Ramazanoglu Anadolu Imam Hatip Lisesi (Turkiye), SMART IDEA from Slovenia, Epralima – Escola Proffisional do Alto Lima – C.I.P.R.L. from Portugal, Liceul Tehnologic De Transporturi Auto from Romania, partners from Sdrujenie Nauchno-Obrazovatelen Tsenter STEAM (Bulgaria) and the hosts of the meeting, school administration from Konya Il Milli Egitim Mudurlugu (Turkiye).

It was the last TPM of the project. Meeting participants summarized past activities, emphasizing evaluation of project Intellectual Outputs (IOs), discussed dissemination plan of project results and products and project eTwinning activities.
Project financial issues and financial documentation were also discussed. There was an evaluation of LTTs organised in 2022 in Chojna and Velenje.

Project partners used the opportunity to disseminate their international activities. Representative of ZSP in Chojna presented Erasmus+ VET mobility project „From training to work” and Transnational mobilities of students which are part of POWER programme „Focus on health” and „Focus on climate”. Participants of TPM discussed possibilities of future cooperation in scope of Erasmus+.

There were some cultural events of the meeting as well: visits to Mevlana Museum, Butterfly Tropical Garden and exploration of the Village of Sille – the former Ottoman-Greek settlement.