Conference disseminating the intellectual products of the project
"Game based learning for development of problem solving skills",
Erasmus + program
On December 8, 2021 a training conference was held at the Secondary School Complex in Chojna, to popularize the intellectual products of the Erasmus + program project “Game based learning for development of problem solving skills. The conference was attended by teachers representing the Janusz Korczak’s Primary School No. 1 in Chojna, Kornel Makuszyński’s Primary School No 2. in Chojna, Stefan Żeromski’s Primary School in Trzcińsko-Zdrój, Secondary School Complex in Gryfino and Aleksander Omieczyński’s 1st Secondary School in Gryfino.

The conference participants were officially welcomed by the Head teacher, Ms. Adriana Salamończyk, and then by the project coordinator, Mr. Janusz Cezary Salamończyk, who presented the goals of the GAME project. Afterwards, the training on the use of intellectual products of the project was conducted by Ms. Kamila Góra, a teacher of IT vocational subjects, who presented a workbook containing good practices in game-based learning and the use of sample games – intellectual products of the “GAME” project.

The participants of the conference were acquainted with instructional videos and had the opportunity to play Rummikub game. School representatives received a workbook containing good practices in game-based learning, the game Rummikub and Dixit from the conference organizers. All conference participants received a certificate of participation in a training conference promoting intellectual products of the Erasmus + program project “Game based learning for development of problem solving skills”.

mgr Małgorzata Limanówka