Second international meeting within the project
"Game Based Learning For Development Of Problem Solving Skills"
23 – 26.09.2021 r. Baia Sprie, Rumunia
On September 23-26, 2021 in Baia Sprie, Romania the second international project meeting (TPM) took place as part of the project “Game Based Learning For Development Of Problem Solving Skills – Erasmus + Strategic Partnerships. Delegates of all project partners participated in the meeting. On behalf of the coordinator – Secondary School Complex in Chojna, 4 participants and 2 participants from the Douzelage Association in Chojna were delegated. The meeting was attended by partners from the Selcuklu Mahmut Sami Ramazanoglu Anadolu Imam Hatip Lisesi school from Turkey, from SMART IDEA company Igor Razbornik s.p. from Slovenia, from the education administration Konya Il Milli Egitim Mudurlugu from Turkey, from the school Epralima – Escola Proffisional do Alto Lima – C.I.P.R.L. from Portugal and hosts of the meeting from Liceul Tehnologic De Transporturi Auto school from Romania. Due to the restrictions in Bulgaria caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, partners from the scientific institution Sdrunie Nauchno-Obrazovatelen Tsenter STEAM participated in the meeting online.

The aim of the meeting was to summarize the activities carried out so far in the project, set a detailed work schedule and student exchange meetings, discuss the work on Intellectual Results (IO), discuss the dissemination plan of the project results in the form of a project website and eTwinning platform, and discuss financial issues related to the correct settlement of expenses in project.

The first day started with a speech by the coordinator of the host organization, Ms Iolanda Sztrelenczuk, who welcomed the guests, presented her school, town, region and Romanian traditions. Then the following spoke: Deputy Head of Educational Administration in Maramures and representatives of local government authorities. After the official part was over, the participants started working on the program of the meeting. Previous mobilities were summarized (TPM in Chojna and LTT in Bulgaria), and dates for future mobility were set. During the break between the works, the hosts invited the participants to a festive traditional Romanian dinner. After the break, the dates for the completion of Intellectual Outcomes 3 and 4 were set.

The day ended with a dinner in an open-air century-old house with regional delicacies. The hosts surprised the guests with a presentation of folk dances, in which all participants took part. Another unexpected highlight of the evening was a show of traditional pottery, combined with a commemorative signature of the participants on a molded vessel

The second day started with an overview of the activities, work and results on the eTwinning platform, followed by the financial documents and dissemination plan. After lunch and a short break, all participants were officially presented with certificates of participation in TPM. With the feeling of a job well done on all points of the program and full agreement on each of the issues raised, the meeting was officially closed and the guests bid farewell to each other.

Despite the busy program, the participants found time for a short trip around the charming neighborhood, visiting local tourist attractions, including Happy Cemetery or tasting local delicacies in nearby restaurants

Alicja Linkiewicz