Learning Teaching Training activity in scope of
‘Game Based Learning For Development Of Problem Solving Skills’
21st – 25th March 2022 Velenje, Slovenia
A group of 10 students from Zespół Szkół Ponadpodstawowych in Chojna (secondary school), took part in LTT of Erasmus+ project ‘Game Based Learning For Development Of Problem Solving Skills”. The event was organised in Velenje (Slovenia) from 21st to 25th March 2022. Apart from Polish students there were also participants from Turkiye, Romania, Portugal and Slovenia. The event started with integration games, sightseeing of Velenje and vicinity, then the participants discussed aims and programme of LTT.

The second day of the LTT began with the visit to a local Coal Mining Museum. Project participants found out the history of the coal mine in Velenje, students were 160 m beneath the surface of the earth and went on an interesting journey into the once active mine tunnels of the mine. In the afternoon project participants were working in international groups to recognise the plant from the photo, search for information about it and finally prepare a presentation promoting a medicine based on the plant.

The third day started with a tour of a local school and the presentation of education system in Slovenia. Then each partner group talked their country: history, geography, traditions.
In the afternoon there were sport activities such as volleyball, basketball and football in mixed teams.

The next day activities focused on games and riddles, some of them were really funny. There was also a town game in which its participants had to find certain places in the town and take a photo of them.

On the fifth day, in the morning, another group of students went to a local Coal Mining Museum. In the afternoon activities there were games in mixed national groups to work on a project slogan and then it was promoted using various social media. The winners receivedawards. In the end of the meeting all participants took a group photo.

Oliwia Będzak, Joanna Bławat, Fabian Kiciński, ZSP in Chojna