‘Game Based Learning For Development Of Problem Solving Skills’
21-25.02.2022 Chojna, Poland
In scope of Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership, School Education project ‘Game Based Learning For Development Of Problem Solving Skills’, from 21st to 25th February 2022 there was LTT activity. It was organised in Chojna (Poland). Representatives of all project partners took part in the event. There were students and teachers from: Selcuklu Mahmut Sami Ramazanoglu Anadolu Imam Hatip Lisesi (Turkiye), Smart Idea (Slovenia), Konya İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü (Turkiye), Epralıma – Escola Profıssıonal Do Alto Lıma – Cooperatıva De Interesse Publıco E Responsabılıdade Lımıtada (Portugal), Liceul Tehnologic De Transporturi Auto (Romania) and partners from Sdrugenie Nauchno Obrazovatelen Center STEAM (Bulgaria). The hosts of the meeting were Zespół Szkół Ponadpodstwowych in Chojna and Stowarzyszenie Douzelage in Chojnie.

The main aim of the LTT was to test online and traditional board games which were chosen in GAME project. Leaders of partner organisations were responsible for certain points of the meeting programme. After activities and workshops project participants were asked to fill in evaluation questionnaires.

The leader of activities on Monday, 21st February, was Gašper Pongrac from Slovenia.
There were ice – breaking activities, integration games and introduction to online games.
Our partners from Bulgaria Natalia Pavlova and prof. Dragomir Marchev led the workshops on Tuesday, 22nd February. They presented the game ‘Logical Monsters’ which develops the creativity, concentration and logical thinking. The game was tested by all meeting participants. They also tested the app PlanetARy, which used augmented reality and enabled the users to see astronomical objects. Foreign meeting participants had the tour of school facilities and discussed Polish system of education.
Leaders from Romania led the activities with some traditional ands integration games including Bingo.

During the workshop session on 23rd February led by Turkish group, the board games such as Scrabble, Dixit, Ubongo and checkers were tested. There were some cultural activities with Turkish food and music as well. In the afternoon the was a trip to Szczecin and sightseeing the most important tourist attractions of the city including Museum of Technology, Pomeranian Dukes’ Castle and Szczecin Philharmonic Hall.

The activities on 24th February focused on online games and were carried out by A. Bilska, gamification expert. She introduced ‘Actionbound’ app and there was a contest for meeting participants who were designing their own games.

Friday, 25th February, was the last day of the LTT. Teams of 4 students were preparing the online game using ‘Actionbound’ app. The bast one was designed by Turkish students: Hayrunnisa Badem, Elif Berra İzi, Mahmut Sami Özkan and Hasan Fatih Orman. There was also a Rummicub tournament for all LTT participants. In the final Fabian Kiciński won with Szymon Parczewski.
LTT participants received certificates during final dinner.
mgr Agnieszka Bylewska