Activities promoting the project “Game based learning for development of
problem solving skills” on the E-twinning platform

The project entitled “Game-Based Learning for Developing Problem Solving Skills” Erasmus + Program No 2019-1-PL01-KA201-065002.
Project partners:
– Selcuklu Mahmut Sami Ramazanoglu Anadolu Imam Hatip Lisesi – Turkey
– SMART IDEA Igor Razbornik s.p. – Slovenia
– Konya Il Milli Egitim Mudurlugu – Turkey
– Liceul Tehnologic de Transporturi Auto – Romania
– Sdujenie Nauchno-Obrazovatelen Tsenter STEAM – Bulgaria
– Epralima – Escola Proffisional do Alto Lima – C.I.P.R.L. – Portugal
– Secondary School Complex in Chojna – Coordinator Poland
– Douzelage Association – Poland
The eTwinning platform helps in the implementation of our project. It is part of the EU program under the patronage of the European Commission and its task is to support individuals in the implementation of school projects using information and communication technologies. It unites many European schools participating in the project into one big “family”.
3 students from class 2 HŻ p, 4 students from class 2bdp and 6 students from class 2 BIp joined the platform as part of the project “Game based learning for development of problem solving skills” to the community on the e-twinning platform on behalf of the Secondary School Complex in Chojna.
The last few weeks have been full of hard but creative work by young people on the e-twinning platform.
The event coordinator, Müzeyyen Çil from Turkey organized a poster competition with the theme of presenting favorite games as an excellent teaching aid.

Students from Turkey, Romania and Poland entered the competition. 16 posters were prepared. The voting, in which hundreds of votes were cast, took place via the platform. The poster of Alexandra Ceteras, a student from Romania, turned out to be the best. The second place was taken by a student from Turkey, M. Yagmur, and the third place for a student of ZSP, Magdalena Braszka from class 2bd.

On April 6, 2021, an international online meeting of students and teachers of the e-twinning community of the project was held, during which the winner of the competition was announced and the students presented their favorite games.
The students’ task was to prepare a five-minute presentation in English and present it in an interesting way. The participants chose a wide variety of games, from ancient number games, through traditional “Grinder” type board games, to modern internet games, such as “Minecraft”. It turned out that they are all very popular and well known, despite such distant places and different environments from which the students come.

The meeting was conducted in a friendly atmosphere, the participants listened with interest and watched the presentations of their mates and took part online in one of the presented interactive games.

The meeting was also a great way to improve the level of English, all participants did a great job of following the instructions, introducing their games and talking to other participants.
Alicja Linkiewicz